Cyndie Koopsen and Caroline Young
Cyndie Koopsen,RN, BSN, MBA, HNB-BC, RN-BC, NC-BCis a nurse who has cared for patients in acute care settings, community clinics, and the home. Her professional nursing career has involved nursing executive leadership and administration, staff development and education, community education and wellness, and holistic care. She has designed, developed, and presented numerous educational programs for audiences covering integrative health, promotion and wellness, and chronic disease management and prevention. She is the co-author of Spirituality, Health, and Healing and Integrative Health: A Holistic Approach for Health Professionals.
Caroline Young, MPH, has an extensive public health background that includes experience in research, workshop presentations in various areas of health care, and online and onsite teaching. She has expertise in holistic community health and wellness program design, development, marketing, implementation, and evaluation. She has also designed, developed, and presented integrative health programs for culturally diverse populations, senior populations, and faith communities. She is the co-author of Spirituality, Health, and Healing and Integrative Health: A Holistic Approach for Health Professionals.
These authors/presenters are the Co-CEOs of ALLEGRA Learning Solutions, LLC. They have no affiliation or financial involvement that conflicts with the material or information presented in this activity. No commercial support has been received for this activity. All applicable local, regional, state, and/or national laws and regulations have been followed in the development and delivery of this activity.